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5 Things To Do Before Vacation
Posted: Jul 22, 2024 by Hey Neighbor

Don't let your vacation anticipation distract you from ensuring your HVAC system will be fine when you return from your trip!

Planning a summer getaway? While you're daydreaming about sandy beaches and mountain hikes, don't forget to give your HVAC system some attention before you head out. A little preparation can help you return to a comfortable home and avoid any unexpected surprises. Here are five neighborly tips to get your HVAC system vacation-ready.

1. Adjust the thermostat

It's tempting to turn off the air conditioning completely while you're away, but this can lead to a sweltering home and potential humidity problems. Instead, set your thermostat to a higher temperature, around 85° F. This keeps your house cool enough to prevent excessive humidity and mold growth without wasting energy. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to return to your preferred temperature a few hours before you get back.

2. Change the air filter

A clean air filter ensures your HVAC system runs efficiently and maintains good indoor air quality. Before you leave, check your filter and replace it if it's dirty. This simple step can prevent your system from working harder than necessary, saving energy and reducing the risk of a breakdown.

3. Clean around the outdoor unit

Your HVAC's outdoor unit needs proper airflow to function effectively. Clear away any debris, leaves, or overgrown plants from around the unit. This helps it run smoothly and prevents potential damage. Also, make sure there are at least two feet of clear space around the unit for optimal performance.

4. Schedule a maintenance check

If it's been a while since your HVAC system had a professional check-up, now is a great time to schedule one. Our technicians will inspect and tune up your system, ensuring everything is in top shape. This can prevent small issues from turning into major problems while you're away and give you peace of mind that your system is running efficiently. Conveniently schedule a check-up online today!

5. Consider a surge protector

Summer storms can bring power surges that may damage your HVAC system. To protect it, consider installing a surge protector. This small investment can prevent costly repairs or replacements due to electrical surges. If you already have one, make sure it's in good working order before you leave.

Bonus tip: Secure your windows and doors

While not directly related to your HVAC system, ensuring all windows and doors are properly sealed can help maintain your home's temperature. This reduces the workload on your HVAC system and improves energy efficiency. Double-check locks and seals before you go to keep your home secure and comfortable.

By taking these simple steps, you can relax on your vacation knowing your HVAC system is well-prepared and your home will be comfortable upon your return. Safe travels and enjoy your summer adventures!

Remodeling? Keep HVAC In Mind!
Posted: Jul 15, 2024 by Hey Neighbor

When you're remodeling your home, don't neglect your HVAC system. Your family will thank you later!

Remodeling your Northeast Ohio home is an exciting journey filled with possibilities. From envisioning a modern kitchen to dreaming up a cozy living room, the anticipation of a fresh space is exhilarating. However, amidst all the design choices and construction plans, it's crucial not to overlook one essential aspect: your HVAC system. Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system plays a significant role in ensuring your home's comfort and efficiency. Here are some friendly tips from our team to keep in mind about HVAC when remodeling your home.

Consult with our HVAC pros early on

Before diving into your remodeling project, it's a great idea to consult with our experts! We'll assess your current system and help determine if it can handle the changes you plan to make. For instance, adding extra rooms or expanding spaces might require a more powerful system to ensure adequate heating and cooling.

Evaluate your ductwork

Ductwork is like the veins of your HVAC system, distributing air throughout your home. During remodeling, it's the perfect time to inspect and, if necessary, upgrade your ductwork. Poorly designed or leaky ducts can lead to inefficient heating and cooling, higher energy bills, and uneven temperatures. Ensuring your ductwork is in top shape will help your HVAC system work more efficiently.

Consider a zoning system

If you're remodeling a larger home or adding new rooms, consider installing a zoning system. Zoning allows you to control the temperature of different areas independently, so you can keep your bedroom cool while warming up the living room. This not only enhances comfort but also saves energy by only heating or cooling the areas in use.

Think about energy efficiency

Energy efficiency should be a top priority during your remodel. Upgrading to energy-efficient HVAC systems can significantly reduce your utility bills and environmental footprint. Look for systems with high SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings and consider options like programmable thermostats and smart home integration for even greater savings.

Ensure proper ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining indoor air quality, especially when remodeling. Construction dust, paint fumes, and other pollutants can linger in the air. Ensure your HVAC system includes adequate ventilation to keep the air fresh and clean. This might involve adding or upgrading exhaust fans and air purifiers.

Account for insulation and sealing

While focusing on HVAC, don't forget about insulation and sealing. Proper insulation helps maintain consistent temperatures and reduces the load on your HVAC system. Check for gaps, cracks, and leaks around windows, doors, and other openings to ensure your home is well-sealed. This will prevent drafts and make your home more energy-efficient.

Budget for HVAC upgrades

Remodeling projects can quickly become expensive, and it's easy to overlook HVAC upgrades in your budget. However, investing in your HVAC system can pay off in the long run through improved comfort and energy savings. Allocate a portion of your budget for necessary upgrades or replacements to avoid any surprises down the road.

Plan for future maintenance

Finally, remember that your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to function optimally. During your remodel, create a plan for future maintenance, including scheduled inspections, filter replacements, and cleaning. This proactive approach will extend the life of your system and ensure it continues to perform efficiently.

Thinking of remodeling? Call Hey Neighbor first!

Remodeling your home is a fantastic opportunity to improve not only the aesthetics but also the functionality and efficiency of your living space. By paying attention to your HVAC system and making informed decisions with our help, you can ensure your home remains comfortable and energy-efficient for years to come. Call us today! Happy remodeling!

10 Summer HVAC Headaches
Posted: Jul 8, 2024 by Hey Neighbor

Don't let cooling system problems ruin your summer! Here's 10 problems to be mindful of. Prevention is key!

Summer in Northeast Ohio is a time for barbecues, beach trips, and basking in the sun, but it can also be a season of HVAC headaches if you're not careful. No one wants to come home to a sweltering house or find themselves with a sky-high energy bill. With a bit of foresight and some handy tips, you can avoid the most common HVAC issues and keep your cool all summer long.

1. Maintenance misery

Think of your HVAC system like a car - it needs regular check-ups to continue running smoothly. Schedule a professional tune-up before the heat hits. Our expert technicians will clean the coils, check the refrigerant levels, and ensure all components are in working order. This preventive measure can catch small issues before they become big, expensive problems.

2. Filter filth

Dirty filters are one of the most common culprits behind HVAC problems. They restrict airflow, making your system work harder and less efficiently. Check your filters monthly and replace them every 1-3 months, depending on usage and the type of filter. A clean filter improves air quality and helps your system run more efficiently, saving you money on energy bills.

3. Thermostat torment

Your thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system. If it's not working correctly, your whole system will suffer. Make sure your thermostat is properly calibrated and consider upgrading to a programmable or smart thermostat. These allow you to set schedules so your HVAC system isn't working overtime when you're not home. Plus, they can help you save on energy costs by optimizing your cooling patterns.

4. Register restriction

Take a quick walk around your home every so often and make sure all vents and registers are open and unobstructed. Furniture, curtains, and other household items can block airflow, making your HVAC system work harder than it needs to. Proper airflow is essential for efficient cooling and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

5. Ductwork discord

Leaky ducts can be a major headache, leading to massive energy loss. If you notice uneven cooling or higher energy bills, it might be time to have your ducts inspected. Our professional team will seal any leaks, ensuring that cool air reaches its intended destination without unnecessary loss.

6. Condenser conniption

Your central air conditioning system's outdoor condenser unit needs some TLC too. Clear away any debris, leaves, or plants that might be crowding it. Make sure there's at least two feet of clearance around the unit to allow for proper airflow. Periodically check for any signs of wear and tear or damage and call us if you spot anything concerning.

7. Humidity hassle

High humidity can make your home feel warmer than it is and put extra strain on your HVAC system. Using a dehumidifier can help manage indoor humidity levels, making your home more comfortable and reducing the load on your HVAC system. Some modern HVAC systems come with built-in dehumidifiers, which can be a worthwhile investment.

8. System strain

During peak summer months, it can be tempting to set your thermostat to the lowest possible temperature. However, this can overwork your system, leading to breakdowns. Instead, aim to keep your home at a consistent, comfortable temperature. Use ceiling fans to help circulate cool air and reduce the load on your HVAC system.

9. Sign scorn

Strange noises, unpleasant odors, and reduced airflow are all signs that something might be wrong with your HVAC system. Don't ignore these warning signs! Addressing them early can prevent more serious and costly problems down the road.

10. Kit kerfuffle

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things just go wrong. Don't forget to keep an emergency kit handy with fans, bottled water, and our phone number - 877-247-7661! A little preparation can help you stay cool and calm while waiting for our friendly neighborhood tech to arrive. (But you won't have to wait long!)

Rely on us for a super summer!

By taking these simple steps, you can avoid common HVAC headaches and ensure your system runs smoothly all summer long. Enjoy your summer with peace of mind, knowing Hey Neighbor LLC | Ron the Furnace Man will help your home will stay cool and comfortable, no matter how high the temperatures climb.

Manual J Explained
Posted: Jul 1, 2024 by Hey Neighbor

How do you know for sure what size HVAC unit is right for your home? Our experts explain.

When it comes to keeping your home comfortable, choosing the right HVAC system is crucial. One essential step in this process is the Manual J calculation. If you've never heard of it, don't worry! We'll break it down for you and explain why it's important to get the right size HVAC unit for your home.

What is a Manual J calculation?

Manual J is a standardized method used by HVAC professionals to determine the heating and cooling loads of a residential building. This calculation considers various factors about your home to accurately estimate how much heating or cooling is needed to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

Here's a rundown of what goes into a Manual J calculation.

Square footage: The total area of your home.

Insulation levels: How well your home is insulated, including walls, floors, and roof.

Windows and doors: Number, size, type, and orientation of windows and doors.

Climate zone: The climate in your geographic location.

Occupancy: The number of people living in the home.

Heat-generating appliances: Appliances that produce heat, like stoves and ovens.

Why is Manual J important?

Now that we know what a Manual J calculation is, let's talk about why it's important.

Energy efficiency: An HVAC system that's too large will cycle on and off more frequently, which can lead to higher energy bills and unnecessary wear and tear on the system. A properly sized unit will run more efficiently, saving you money in the long run.

Comfort: If your HVAC system is too small, it won't be able to keep your home at a comfortable temperature during extreme weather. A correctly sized unit will maintain consistent temperatures and humidity levels, ensuring year-round comfort.

System longevity: Oversized units experience more wear and tear due to frequent cycling. This can reduce the lifespan of the system. A unit that is appropriately sized will last longer because it operates within its designed parameters.

Indoor air quality: Properly sized systems do a better job at filtering and circulating air. This helps to maintain good indoor air quality, reducing allergens and improving overall health.

Cost savings: While a bigger unit might seem like a better option, it's often more expensive upfront and in the long run due to higher operating and maintenance costs. A system that's too small might also lead to increased repair costs. Proper sizing ensures you're investing wisely in a system that meets your needs without unnecessary expense.

How to ensure you get the right size HVAC unit?

Hire a professional: The best way to ensure a correct Manual J calculation is to hire certified HVAC professionals - like Hey Neighbor LLC | Ron the Furnace Man! We have the tools and knowledge to perform an accurate assessment.

Provide accurate information: Make sure you provide accurate and detailed information about your home to our team. This includes recent updates or renovations that might affect insulation or square footage.

Don't rely on rules of thumb: Some contractors might use rough estimates based on square footage alone, but this can lead to incorrect sizing. We'll do a full Manual J calculation for the best results.

Review the results: Don't be afraid to ask questions and review the results of the Manual J calculation with our Comfort Consultants. Understanding the basis for their recommendations can give you confidence in your decision.

To sum up, a Manual J calculation is a critical step in ensuring you get the right size HVAC unit for your home. It impacts energy efficiency, comfort, system longevity, indoor air quality, and overall cost. By taking the time to get this calculation done correctly, you'll enjoy a more comfortable and efficient home for years to come. So, next time you're in the market for a new HVAC system, remember to ask about Manual J - your future self will thank you!

Great AC Landscaping Tips
Posted: Jun 24, 2024 by Hey Neighbor

Your central air conditioning system's outside condenser unit doesn't have to be an eyesore - we explain how.

When summer heat is at its peak, your air conditioning system works hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. The outside condenser unit is a crucial component of this system, and with a bit of smart landscaping, you can help it run efficiently while also enhancing your yard's aesthetics. Here are some friendly tips to create a cool, green space around your AC condenser.

1. Give it some space

The first rule of landscaping around your condenser unit is to ensure it has plenty of space to breathe. Your AC unit needs good airflow to function efficiently. Aim to keep at least two to three feet of clearance on all sides. This means avoiding dense planting or placing structures too close. Not only does this promote better airflow, but it also makes maintenance easier for you and your friendly neighborhood Hey Neighbor HVAC technician.

2. Shade is your friend

Providing shade for your condenser unit can help it run more efficiently. However, you need to be strategic about it. Planting a small tree or installing a shade structure can reduce the temperature around the unit, which means it doesn't have to work as hard. Just make sure whatever you use for shade is positioned so it doesn't drop debris directly into the unit. Deciduous trees are a great option since they provide shade in the summer and let the sun through in the winter.

3. Choose the right plants

When selecting plants, opt for those that are hardy and low-maintenance. Consider drought-resistant shrubs or perennials that won't require constant watering or pruning. Some excellent choices for Northeast Ohio include:

Taxus: This evergreen shrub is dense and easy to shape, making it perfect for creating a neat border.

Lavender: Not only is lavender hardy, but its pleasant fragrance can also make your outdoor space more enjoyable.

Hostas: These shade-loving plants are ideal if your unit is in a partially shaded area. They also have the added benefit of being low-maintenance.

4. Mulch magic

Mulch around your condenser unit can help keep weeds at bay and retain soil moisture, which is great for your plants. Organic mulch like bark or wood chips is preferable because it breaks down over time and enriches the soil. Be sure to keep the mulch a few inches away from the base of the unit to avoid any potential blockage of airflow or moisture buildup.

5. Create a barrier

Installing a small fence or screen around your unit can be a great way to hide it from view while still allowing airflow. Lattice screens or slatted wood fences are attractive options that also provide ventilation. You can also grow climbing plants on these structures, like clematis or ivy, for added greenery.

Can you see the AC unit in the photo above? No? That's exactly the point! The homeowner has very cleverly hidden their cooling system between the shrubs on the left side - concealing it from view and keeping it in the shade most of the day. Win-win!

6. Mind the maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain the area around your condenser unit. Trim back any overgrown plants and ensure that no debris, such as leaves or grass clippings, accumulate around it. This prevents clogging and ensures that your AC unit runs smoothly. Setting a reminder to check the area every few weeks during the growing season can be very helpful.

7. Decorative touches

Don't be afraid to add some decorative touches around your condenser unit. Stepping stones or a small gravel path can create a defined area that's easy to maintain. Potted plants can also be a great addition, as they can be moved as needed and provide seasonal color.

8. Avoid obstructions

Be cautious about placing anything directly on top of your condenser unit. While it might be tempting to use the space for extra storage or decoration, this can obstruct airflow and reduce efficiency. Keep the top of the unit clear and focus on beautifying the surrounding area instead.

Want more home HVAC tips? Have one of our neighborly Comfort Consultants out for a visit!

With a little planning and some thoughtful landscaping, you can create a beautiful, functional area around your AC condenser unit. Not only will this help your system run more efficiently, but it will also enhance the overall look of your yard. Happy gardening, and stay cool!

Here at Hey Neighbor LLC | Ron the Furnace Man, we're always happy to lend a hand with any of your home HVAC needs - inside or out. Call us to schedule a visit today.

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